Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Damsel in distress

I know I don't really look
Like a damsel in distress
But I was distressed last week
Could find that tap which I did seek
I'd made a mess of things you see
Ran into a huge pot with the ride on mower
Pushed it toward the pipes: accidentally!
The water came gushing out of it
Leaving a great big wet mess
Oh why do these things happen to me?
Oh I was angry I must confess
Told my hubby of my clumsiness
He was just not happy!
Now months later on: this is my bitch
I couldn't get him to fix it as
There was a major hitch!
As he went to turn off our mains tap
It broke off in his hand: what a mess!
So we raced around trying to stop the flow
Turned off all the rain water tanks as you know
Thought that would be the end of it but
Its still leaking quite a bit: what a mess
The water bill came in: high as could be
I must confess over the past few months
I just didn't think of it: so much pain in my heart
For Tim's loss was all that was there from the start
Now as I searched along the road
There was nothing to show me: no signs at all
I just couldn't remember the site: what a fight!
My memory has suffered quite a bit
Those other thing that didn't feel important
For the past three months: came calling
Yes: screaming at my inability to cope with it
So was I a damsel in distress: yes me
I had to call for help you see: obviously
Tim is gone: I can't ask him: where that tap is?
So I called up and begged for help
I thank God for those who listened to my pleas
For someone came to turn off that tap
Someone actually heard me crying out
I thank God for those wonderful people who
Came to save me in my hour of need
Thank you Lord for helping me!
When I really needed it you see!

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