Tuesday, 8 July 2014


What is evidence?
What is fact? What is there to ask?
How do we really tell?
What are lies and what is truth?
You can see with your own eyes
You can add two and two
But what about those things
That no-one can undo?
How about later on?
When trying to unravel
Facts that lie upon the ground
Yes, right there in the gravel!
I saw the damage to the ceiling
Put two and two together
Worked it out and added it up
There is no other way to it
Had a look inside the roof
Saw that bucket lying there
How come it moved away
From where it was before
The man hole was opened up
The stick was outside on the ground
Surely some-one must have been
There to change the scene
Some-one must have thought
Nobody is around so I'll get in
Without a bloody key
Just to have a look around
Just to have a look-see!
The proof is in evidence 
No other way to see it
Some-one must have been there
Some-one must know the truth
But until I see that one myself
Only God knows who did it!

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