Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Why don't you love me dad?

Why don't you love me?
What is it I have done?
You love my pretty sisters
Why not your first born son?
For many years I've watched you
Cuddle and hold them close
Why can't you love me too?
Just like for them you have done?

Why don't you love me?
What more could I have done?
I tried to be close to you but
Your indifference always stung
I see you get on with the girls
Trying to act like their loving dad
But with me it is a chore you find
We just cannot seem to get along

Why don't you love me?
What has happened to make it so?
You are always angry with me
I cannot seem to get it right!
For so long I've just held back
Tried to understand your thoughts
But you cannot seem to understand
No matter what it is I try to do

So why don't you love me?
Is it because of your early life?
I know you lost your dad at six
You were taken from your mum
Placed into that cold boy's home
They were supposed to show you love
But things happened there to hurt you
Things you could never overcome!

Why don't you love me? 
I begin to see the plot
It will take me many long years
To get over what changed you too
I don't know how I will make it
I don't know if I can forgive
My anger keeps me distant
I have my own life to live!

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