Monday, 15 September 2014

Oops wrong house

 Many years ago when Tim was working for Carpet Care
He and his off-sider “Gopher” Grant drove around the city
Cleaning carpets, travelling everywhere in that Bongo Van
He always did the best job that he could: the best any man can!
One day they arrived for another job somewhere
Knocked on the door and explained to the young man
“We’re here to clean the carpets, may we come in?”
They moved the furniture around ready to begin
Then, something made them check the address: just in case!
That’s when they realised they were in the wrong place!
So they left in a hurry: headed out the door
Leaving that furniture moved around: yes everywhere!
Imagine that poor young lad explaining to his mum
How two guys came to clean the carpets, chum!

The only thing that reminded me of that scenario
Was that the very same thing happened this year too!
We’d called a company to come and clean the roof
Gave them our address: thought it was foolproof!
But for some crazy reason they ended up next door
Upset our poor dear elderly neighbour: what uproar?
She called the cops in a panic: screaming down the phone
“Someone’s climbing on my roof: trying to break in!”
Three cop cars later, uniformed and plain clothes cops everywhere!
Those guys had to apologise profusely: had to say sorry to her!
Yes they were clearly in the wrong: silly old men!
Maybe next time they’ll check that written address
Then perhaps they won’t end up in such a terrible mess!

I know this is crazy: I know you’ll probably think I’m weird
But I knew it would happen: knew it all beforehand!
I saw it all happening: like in a daydream: yes it’s true
That they’d end up at the wrong house: yes I already knew!
Then to see it all happening right before my eyes
It was all just as I had seen it: no big surprise!

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