I need to
know about
The dark side
of your moon
I need to
know how you react
When you’re
feeling all alone
What do you
need to stay sane?
How do you
let off steam?
obviously seen many things
That would
drive a man to drink
Please let me
in: show me how you think?
Please tell
me: what you do to cope?
Share with
me: allow me to live in hope!
I understand…
No! I
probably have no idea
What it is
like to live in fear?
What it is
like to live with the stress?
That comes with
such a job
The pressure
that climbs up
under duress
How do you
keep your cool?
How do you not lose your head?
How do you
cope with losing?
Your mates:
on a daily or weekly basis?
father-in-law was the last to survive
Three ships
were sunk under him
He had to
toss his mates overboard
As they died:
as they succumbed
What terrible
things to do and see
Such baggage
to bring home with him
He drank to
drown his sorrows
Drank to
escape those nightmares!
My husband
too was saddened
By the things
that happened to him
Losing his
dad: put into a boy’s home
Beaten and
abused: what a start?
No wonder he
was broken!
Had no heart
left to live his life: so much strife!
He was always
searching for something
That elusive
thing that would help
Make him feel
better: anything I suppose
To keep those
demons at bay!
So he smoked
those cigarettes
From the age
of 13 he took them up
Later he
found marijuana: smoked that too!
After we
married he’d drink a few beers
He wasn’t a
very nice drunk
Later still
he needed more to hide behind
things than just the Panadol
Tried to kill
himself at the age of 13 years
He was always
at the doctors getting his fix
Morphine for
those constant headaches
Anything to
dull the terrible aches inside
Harder drugs
were to come as he went on
seemed to be enough to stem the tide
He always
needed that something to hide behind
Harder drugs
became his crutch: it was so sad
He just
couldn’t see that what he sought
Was lying
there: right inside: within his heart
But by then
it was just too late
By then he
just didn’t care
was just too hard to change!
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