Today was such a pleasant day
I took a long swim: it was great!
Out to the reef and around about
Checked out the anchor: as I do
Swam right under and touched it too!
Then as I swam further out to sea
Through the gap in that reef you see
I was totally amazed by that scenery
So many huge rocks spilled in by man
Creating this amazing wonderland
So many fish all over the place
All shapes and sizes: colours too
It was so beautiful I'm telling you
I saw starfish: bright orange ones
Clinging to the rocks around about
The corals arranged in brilliant array
Pinks and blacks, covered with sea weeds
Flowering pink among the browns
Pretty green polyps floating about
So many sea creatures everywhere
Some fish looked like they had eyes
On opposite ends to trick those guys
Who prey upon them and try to eat
Them for dinner: they're on a winner
Escaping and swimming free
I saw great chasms within the rocks
Saw fish swimming down into the deep
Hiding from the world above
Seeking the darkness of that peace
I kept on swimming on and on
Until I'd gone right past the pier
Some boys were walking upon the reef
Shouting out to their friends in glee
I looked at them but they didn't even see me
The exercise was so good for me
As I swam and swam around that jetty
The further I got to the north
The less the beauty: the uglier the scenery
Less sea grasses: less animal life you see
I wonder why it decreased like that
It truly did baffle me: pollution? Maybe?
As I turned around and swam back to the pier
I discovered a massive ship's anchor chain
Lying silently in it's watery grave
Covered in the usual undersea barnacles...
Wondered from whence it came and when?
Probably from many long years ago
When early settlers sailed upon these shores
Bringing grain and harvested stocks
To sell to people from these very docks
Ah the amazing history of these shores
I could just keep on gong to explore some more!
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