Saturday, 21 February 2015


We have that invisible connection
It spans the oceans; spans the seven seas
I feel the strength of it pulling, tugging at me
It is as constant as the stars in the velvet skies
It is like the magnetic poles surrounding earth
As they spill out into the blessed universe
(Invisible to the naked eye but there none the less)
We are tied together by the softest of gossamer ribbons
Wafting upon the gentlest breeze; floating up with ease
This miraculous connection: invisible to the naked eye
But never so to our beating hearts: to our blessed souls
Do you feel it tugging at the centre of your being?
Tugging at the very centre of your soul?
Does it keep you grounded? 
Does it keep you floating like an astronaut?
Tethered to the mother ship: but still outside
Yes: outside of her impenetrable hull?

This is how it feels this morning: you are my astronaut!
You are attached by that silken cord: that life line...
That invisible yet powerful connection
Drawn between our beating hearts
Keeping us connected: floating together
Never to be torn apart...

Do you feel it? Do you feel the same? Confide in me...

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