Isn't it lovely when families get together?
Say hello, hug each other:
laugh a little
Smile a lot, enjoying
whatever time we've got
Mum has been so ill: not
much better still
Everything is difficult:
to walk a little distance
Is so hard for her to do:
I'm telling you...
But last night I saw her
smile; just for a little while
Her great grand-kids were
running around
The motel room where she
will stay the night
With my big brother too:
we visited, had a meal
Reminisced about a lot of
times and spoke of things
That: have now gone the
way of many things
Days gone by when my kids
were younger
Before they had kids of
their own; time has flown
Has the time disappeared
so fast?
Has time sped on like a
bullet train?
Yes it has you know; nothing
can slow it...
But for a little while,
just for a few hours...
We laughed and talked and
ate together
Who knows when we can
again get together?
Who knows what tomorrow
will bring?
Can we humans count on any
man-made thing?
No...It is God who holds all
within His hands
Everything depends on Him
who made us all God goes the
He just goes along his
path and waits...
Upon The Lord God, author
and finisher of us all!
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