Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Fallen into sinfulness

Anger flares within me
A quick combustion of thoughts
How could he do this: lie to me?
Be so in cohorts with that evil serpent...

I am embarrassed: ashamed
He led me by the hand
Like a lamb to the slaughter...
Like a simple trusting child...

How could I fall so deeply?
For all those lies: he proposed
Fed me upon his bullshit: hurt me keenly
Like a knife wound: super imposed

Ah Lord I was mistaken
Was taken up and tumbled down
Thought I was the smart one
Now I am bereft: good days flown

He found the opportunity
Came, saw, conquered: won the war
Has left me desolate
I: the fallen city: war torn

Though others tried to warn me
One eyed: I saw nothing odd
In denial: I continued giving: I see
Now I am deserted: even by my God

In my mind: I asked: "how could you do it?
Did I mean nothing all along?
Was it all part and parcel?
Of your desire to bring me down”

Ah Satan, you had a field day
Bringing sadness after so much joy
Yet now I see I was but a temptation
A citadel to be beset: razed to the ground

Looking back upon my downfall
I finally see the darkness: I refused
To see: as I went blindly into the fray
A simple, naive woman: again abused 

He saw me coming: delighted in his lies
Never once did he think it wrong
To destroy another soul: to despise
This sad, lonely woman: he stringed along

I've been pouring over the photographs
I've been searching for the glitches
But never saw the dangers
As I acted like some in-heat bitches 

Satan drew the noose ever tighter!
Took hold of this sinful body, mind
Drew me down ever deeper: that blighter
Dragged me into the darkest depths; I find

I was lost along the wayside
Delivered into his evil, filthy hands
Ah Lord I gave into all those demands
I was shaped, moulded to his deceptive plans

Forgive me dear Lord for I have sinned
I lusted after this supposed "perfect" love
I had thoughts I couldn't tell my mother
Was brought lower than I ever planned

I knew he was "divorced" yet persisted
Thought I had the right to ask for love
Presumed it was God-given: ordained
Ah forgive me for my sinful demands

In my crazy mind I was "better"
Than I had any right to suppose
For I was a heat seeking missile 
Searching underneath his clothes

Seven deadly sins there are; it is said
It's like I was brought to every one
For I lusted, envied, hated, was full of pride
Was slothful, angry, a glutton for punishment 

Ah Lord these terrible thoughts within my head
I even wished his "ex-wife" dead...
So I could have my cake and eat it too
So I could still be close to you...

But...we cannot walk hand in hand 
With both Satan and the Lord
It is impossible to straddle that dividing fence
We must choose the one or the other

Choose the path you would follow
Choose eternal life over sinful death
For I would choose to follow Jesus
With every single breath I have left

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