Every morning Jesus went to the temple to pray
Every morning he did the
very same: there He prayed
The Pharisees sought to
test Him: test His knowledge
Asked questions of Him:
tried to trick Him you see
To search for any
weakness: to bring Him down
They brought before Him an
adulteress: caught in the act
Questioned Him about the
laws of the land: planned
To catch Him out: wanted
to make Him condemn himself
He answered not: started
writing in the sand: His hand
Wrote their deepest sins:
showed them they could not win
He saw absolutely
everything: showed He truly was their King
Then slowly he turned to
them and very quietly said...
"He that is without
sin among you: let him first cast a stone at her"
They skulked away as they
had come: first they were loud: then glum
They were silenced:
rebuked by the power of God's Son
When Jesus asked her if
there were any to accuse her
She looked up and replied
that there were none
"Neither do I condemn
thee: go and sin no more!"
Ten amazing words that
changed a poor woman's life
Why was Jesus so lenient? Why did He allow her to go free?
It was written in the
commandments: "Thou shalt
not commit adultery!"
Jesus had healed Simon the Pharisee of leprosy
Simon thought to repay His
blessed generosity
Invited God's blessed Son
to a wonderful feast
A woman came to the feast:
uninvited you see
She washed Jesus' feet
with her tears as she cried
Anointed Him with precious
oils and kissed his feet
Dried them with her hair:
honoured Him for His love
Simon was angry that she
should do these things
For she was known as a
great sinner all about the place
How could Jesus allow her
to anoint even his feet: he cried?
The parable Jesus told was
about the two debtors
They owed their master
money: one 50 the other 500
They were both forgiven
for their debts and Jesus asked
"Which of these loved
their master the most?"
"The one who was
forgiven the greater debt" Simon replied
The lesson was to teach
Simon about his own sins
He who thought himself
above the other: holier than her
Was shown that he was
wrong: that it was not so
Judge not for in reality:
one was in no wise better
No, not at all: each was
guilty of sinning: truly!
Jesus told Simon that when
he arrived he was...
Not greeted with a kiss of
welcome at the door...
Nor was the dust of the
road washed from his tired feet...
Anointing oil was not
poured out upon his blessed head...
These traditions were
accepted everywhere in those days
Yet: all these things were
done by the sinful woman
All these things were
poured out unto the visitor
Not by the Lord of the
household but by the sinful woman
Jesus knew what Simon was thinking: knew his mind
Knew all about the sins he
hid inside: in his pride
He looked down upon her
for she was a terrible sinner
He was a Pharisee: a Holy
man of his people: supposedly
Simon was Mary's uncle: a relative of Lazarus and Martha too
Jesus knew them all from
the little town of Bethany
Had been welcomed there by
the whole extended family
Had feasted with them all
in honour it was true: as was His due
When Martha complained
that Mary wasn't helping prepare the food
Jesus knew how much Mary
wanted to learn about God: taught her
Told Martha to leave her
to her lessons for she was blessed
Simon was Mary's uncle and led her into sin: adultery
Then thought himself
holier: better than she: ah the irony
Because of him she lost
everything: her good name: her family
She was forced to leave
the town: seek her fortune elsewhere
But word travelled fast in
the old territory: she was destitute
Had nothing left but her
body: so she had to become a prostitute!
Jesus in His mercy had pardoned her sins: in her deep love and sorrow
She knew that he was the
messiah: knew that he would die soon
She bought the most
expensive oil to anoint Him with
She washed His feet with
her tears: anointed Him with that precious oil
Then wiped his feet with
her hair: honoured Him with her love
Ah was there a more
precious way to bless our Lord from above?
Jesus wanted to pierce Simon's heart: prick his conscience
Thus he allowed him to
pronounce his own sentence upon himself
With the parable of the
two debtors: Jesus made his point
Simon felt more righteous
than Mary: though he was at fault
Finally Simon began to see
himself in a new light: as a sinner
Jesus read her heart of
love and devotion to him: saw her full story
Simon wanted people to
only see his side of everything: unfair
Simon rejected her: after
he ruined her life: caused her strife
Yet still he felt he was
above her: his holier than thou attitude
Jesus knew from the very
start: for Jesus saw into his very heart
He had to show Simon the
error of his ways: had to guide him
Simon became a great
disciple of Jesus afterwards: God be praised!
How many of us do this today?
Think we are better than
the next person...
When in fact we are all
Not one is better than the
When compared to Jesus: we
all fall short...
Ah to hear those blessed words pronounced
"Neither do I condemn
thee: go and sin no more"
Ten wonderful words that
changed a woman's life
Allow Jesus to forgive you
your sins and...
Go and sin no more...
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