Wednesday, 7 November 2012

I am so Proud of you

I am so proud of you my love
I see how much you share
With your little ones upon your knee
I see the tiredness in your eyes
I recognise the pain I see inside
I know how you feel because
I see myself in your eyes
When you were small and full of beans
When tiredness crept into my dreams
Yes I see myself as I was then
And now I see you as you do your best
I know you feel less that perfect
How do I know this?
It is so simple my love because
I felt the same all those years ago
I felt as you do now
I felt; less than human somehow
I felt at a loss at times
On how best to keep you safe and sound
You pushed the limits, leapt and bound
Climbed the trees just like me
Nothing could stop your adventurous streak
Your son now is so like you
So independent and determined to go and do
Why should it be different for him?
You finally understand how tired I was
You feel the same stress as I did then
You are in my shoes as you raise your sons
You feel like you are a bad mum at times
But let me tell you how it goes!
You will never feel … like all is well
There will always be some things
You maybe could have done better
But honey realise; I am less than perfect
I made mistakes and learned from them
I still feel like I could have done so much better
But now I realise that all any of us can do
Is do the best we can every moment that we can!
So rest assured you’re doing well
Your boys are so beautiful and so well behaved
I know they test your very limits at times
But why should you be any different?
That is the life every mother faces
Every one of us at some time; wonders how we could have done it better?

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