Monday, 12 November 2012

O Faithful Heart

O Faithful Heart
By storm and tempest tossed
How long the time
Till Jordan’s river crossed
The life-long dream
After Pentecost

So long ago my Lord was lost
So much have I borne and carried here
Anything but that greatest cost could I bear
Would I give to have my dear Lord back?

O faithful heart how dear to me
Whence I come again
I’ll take you home

The journey’s long and winding

O faithful heart I watch you from afar
I hear your prayers, I see your tears
I know how difficult your life to bear
But worry not 
O faithful heart and do not fear
For when I come, I’ll draw you near and take you home

For many tears I’ve watched from on high
As you struggle through your life so drear
But when I look, inside your heart I see
Your loving heart, it beats with me!
I understand just how it is with thee

By storm and tempest tossed
I see my strength, it bides in thee
O faithful heart abide in me
And keep faith strong while you wait
So patiently

1 comment:

  1. Here I am trying to write hymn for my Lord! Again there are so many words I want to use; so this is a work in progress!
