Monday, 12 November 2012

You cannot see our tears

You cannot see our tears
You cannot hear our sobs
It doesn’t seem fair
That you judge our hearts!
If tears were tidal waves
And sobs were volcanoes
You’d see and feel our heartbreak
No matter how far away!
Just as well you live far away
Just as well there are great seas
For if your pain could cross the oceans
If your tears were tornadoes?
We would be blown away by anger
We would be blasted into bits
You have to blame someone
You have to pass the buck!
But one day when the pain
Of your loss has eased a bit
Maybe then you’ll see and understand
That though we are not with you
Though we are so far away
Maybe then you could forgive us
For loving her as well
Maybe then you’ll be able
To accept the part we played
In loving and …accepting
Ehra into our family
You’ll maybe then understand our love
We only wanted her to be happy
We only wanted to love her
As you already did
But we bear her loss together
We want to ease your pain
We are praying for your family
The dear Lord hears us all
We are all of one family
With Jesus as our Lord
Please hear and accept our prayer
And allow us so to mourn!

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