I loved my kids so much
We always had such fun
I wanted to play with them
As much as possible
Showing them that life was fun!
We played games every day
We played hide and seek
We played Blind man's bluff
We played skittle wars
All sorts of fun we had
All over the house we ran amok
Laughing and squealing
That laughter was healing
Filled our hearts and minds
With joy of every kind!
When we went out
I expected them to behave
No nonsense would I take
Demanded respect
Demanded honesty
Allowed them to choose
Between a couple of things
But that was it!
They were good kids
They knew the rules
They only acted out
Once or twice
Trying to copy others
Seeing how far they
Could get!
I once walked out
Of that shop
When she had a tizzy
Leaving her behind inside
She stopped as soon
As she realised
Her audience was gone
Then she was running after me
She understood
I wouldn't take any
Of that kind of behaviour!
My little angels are big ones now!