Tuesday, 23 April 2013

That little dash

That little dash between the dates
How little it does seem
But in reality it takes the cake
When you see the whole meaning!
Birth and death; both parts of life
But it’s the dash in between
That counts the most; as you will see!

What about the ‘in between’?
What have you done in life?
What will be said when you pass on?
What will you want them to talk about?
What will you have said?
What will you have done?
What will be the topic?
When they stand and recite?
Your family; as it gathers around your body?
How have you spent your days?
What benefit to this world?
Will you be proud of what is said?

Make the most of each day you have!
Spread the word of the Lord!
Enjoy your life! Let it be said!
He lived the life of Jesus Christ!
He loved and cared for all!
His days were long, his faith strong!
A pleasure to be known!
For every day was used in full!
Each moment was a blessing!

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