As I was setting the tables and doing the usual to-ing and fro-ing with
the plates of food, I noticed a woman who seemed to be upset about something as
I never saw a smile on her face during the whole time. I assumed she was upset
with me for some reason, and I was feeling a bit guilty for not helping enough.
Later as I struck up a conversation with her I found out that she thought she
might have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or something similar. (How easy for anyone
to assume the completely incorrect reason for some-one else’s behaviour!) As we were talking I commiserated with her
and explained about my Ross River Virus symptoms and found out that a friend’s
young daughter had been complaining of the exact same symptoms as mine. I urged
her to get that poor young girl to the doctors as it sounded so much like what
I’d been going through.
Before December of last year, I had no idea what it would be like to
have this awful disease. The tiredness, swollen joints, pain and irritability
and all the fun stuff that came before the telltale rash; were just one more
obstacle to overcome in the last few years. Just when I was finally getting better from my Chronic Anaemia and
starting to feel like I had a little energy, along came a flood and washed
through our whole house and messed up my life all over again! The symptoms came
on very quickly and I had all but the rash within a few weeks.
Then, after a blood test
came back positive; there I was, having to have extra long Nana naps again, and
I could hardly move because of my swollen joints. It was so painful and
difficult to do any thing!
Thank God for my local
doctor who gave me some anti-inflammatory injections to ease the pain as
nothing else was working! The respite from pain only lasted a few weeks and I was back
again for more injections. I also found out that I only had the milder version
of the virus and that some people had to suffer for up to seven years with much
more serious symptoms!
I urge anyone who is feeling these symptoms to see their doctor as there
is help available to ease the pain and awful stiffness in their joints and also
for the general malaise being experienced. Please, anyone who has been near the
swollen River Murray any time in the past few months, and has these symptoms of
painful joints, headaches, tiredness and lethargy, tiny red rash all over the
body: go to your GP and have the blood test to check for Ross River Virus! It
is certainly better than Murray Valley Encephalitis, which has already claimed
one life!
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