The other day I accidentally
touched the chimney of our wood-burning stove and ended up with a painful burn
on my arm. It brought back memories of when my girls were little and Vanessa
had fallen against my parent’s wood-burning stove (over 20 years ago). We’d
done the cold water treatment and all
was good while she was awake as she could keep her fingers in the glass of cold
water in which Epsom salts were dissolved until saturation, but as soon as she fell
asleep the fingers came out and the pain was back again. At this time I was
doing a course of study in Herbs and I thank God that I had the book Practical Home Healing with me. It contained many stories of how to use simple
ingredients at home to ease small burns and other simple illnesses like sore
throats etc.
One of the amazing stories
was about treating simple burns. A burn destroys the human tissue by
overheating it. The CSIRO used a technique called atomic absorption measurement to make very accurate chemical analyses of various substances and
found that there was a dramatic loss of magnesium in burn victims. The
destruction of the tissue of a burn causes the dead tissue to become toxic to
the body so the first task is to draw off the poisons to prevent their
circulation through the system. Secondly, external oxygen must be kept away
from the burned areas because oxygen accelerates the decomposition of tissue.
The third objective is to replace the depleted supply of magnesium.
Thus the Epsom salts in cool
water replace the magnesium while the water helps cool the burn and keeps the
oxygen out.
All well and good until she
fell asleep! That’s when I remembered another story that described how in India (where
many people used little kerosene burners for cooking) the restaurants donated
all their potato peelings to the local hospitals for use on burns victims
because of their high magnesium levels. So we wrapped Vanessa’s fingers with
some large slices of potato and bandaged it on for the night. By morning, there
were no blisters, no redness and no pain! Thank God!
I had already done all the
cooling with water on my burn and later tried the potato slices but it wasn’t
enough, so I peeled a long piece of Aloe Vera and bandaged that to my arm for
the night! The relief was instant and I was able to sleep through the night as
well! No pain, no blisters and no redness by the morning.
A couple of months ago my
second daughter burned herself when her griller fell onto her arm and even
after lots of cooling under the tap it was still painful even with the Aloe
Vera, so the hospital was the best place for her to go to have the burn
properly dressed and treated. The nursing staff commended her on her earlier
treatment as it saved her a lot of pain and grief for later.
Another time, whilst
cooking, I was foolish enough to leave my cooking fork leaning against the
frypan, and as I was hungry, I took the fork and the little piece of food stuck
on it, into my mouth and burned both my lips and tongue.
The pain was terrible but I
was able to suck on a few pieces of potato for a couple of hours until it was
all better. The magnesium was replaced by the potato; it also cooled the burned
tissue and kept it cool whenever a new piece was introduced. Thank you simple potato!
Obviously, if someone does
get a bad burn it needs to be cooled first under lots of cool running water,
and then bandaged to stop the oxygen from entering. Please use your common
sense and get burns victims to the hospital as they can be extremely painful!
My suggestions are only for little minor burns and not for any thing else, maybe
just to keep you going until you can get to hospital!
So please, as this cold
winter season is here, please, please be careful around wood-burning stoves and
heaters and keep safe!
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