Saturday, 31 May 2014

Kindle version of Angels in my Life

I am thrilled to announce that at last
There will be a Kindle version of
My first book of poetry: available 
Shortly on coming soon!
"Angels in my life" on Kindle books
Thank you dearest Lord for enabling
This blessed work to continue!
I love working for my Dear One
For 4 years I have been working
Toward this wonderful goal!

When I was first called to work for my Lord
I was so unsure: didn't know what to say
I asked for and received so many blessings
Yes, along the way: I was assisted by angels
When I questioned: "But Lord, what will I say?"
The Lord replied: "Do not worry: I will give you the words!"
When I had no cover photograph I said
"But Lord I do not have a cover photograph!"
The rain stopped: the clouds parted 
I got my photograph instantly!
When I went into the newspaper office
Knowing I had no money: but going anyway
After asking all the questions and taking it all in
I walked out of that office and said
"But Lord I don't have the money!"
He replied: "Don't worry: the Lord will provide!"
I simply continued on as He bid me!
Two weeks later as I did my phone banking
There was exactly $275 credit in my bank account!

Where He leads I will follow
For within Him I am secure
No matter where He bids me
I will go forth: He has promised
To be with me as I grow in grace
To be with me as I travel all over the place
While He guides me: takes my hand
Everything will go just as He has planned
There will I be as He has designed
For I follow His guiding light
I follow where angels guide my steps
They are full of His love: yes so full of
Showing me just a glimpse of His delight

Green thumbs

Baby's got a green thumb
Some how I just know it
Yes somehow she'll become
Just like her ancestors before her
Caring for the greenery: I see Evaleah
Loving to work amid the scenery
Planting her garden just like her Tatas!
Growing everything that God gave us
Her herbal lore might just save us
Who knows what God has planned?
As long as she can be outside
Enjoying all the pleasant sunshine
Growing up and loving life 
Living her blessed life to the full!

Nana Evelyn loved watering her plants
Hose in hand she was in heaven too
Sprinkling that water everywhere : I'm telling you!
At Dover Street she made her own little oasis
There was but dirt and dust to start 
But she worked hard: she called forth growth
Brought plants from everywhere: planted, gave care
A veritable jungle she created for Vanessa and Shelley
They loved to play there in that peaceful garden! 

Tata Manuel has always grown his own
Everything: from fruit trees to herbs and veggies
Santiago and Zecarias love running around
In his beautiful garden: enjoying everything!

Vanessa is outside right now: in her element
Gardening! Weeding and moving plants
Happy to get her hands a little bit dirty
Loving the feel of it: enjoying just a bit
Call it therapy: call it relaxation: whatever?
As long as it's a hit: yes, she's loving it
Just like her daddy did: yes just like her daddy did!
When he was here on this earth: not so long ago!

Grandpa was always working on his fruit block
Yes my dad grew up on a farm: that was his charm!
He had green thumbs too! Loved to keep his trees
Well-fed and fertilised, weeded and moisturised
He grew everything for us: we had almonds and walnuts
Apricots and peaches, oranges and lemons
Mandarins and grapefruit, figs and plums
Even a plumkin tree: what's that you ask?
A mighty plum tree: growing by the house
A few pumpkins grew up into the branches
My dad called it his Plumpkin tree! Amazing!

Wax works

We went along to the viewing
My precious daughters and me
It was something we were dreading
We couldn't believe it: you see
How was it possible that you were gone?
How possible that we were now so alone?
Though we went together: in distress
We were brought together: to witness!
You were truly gone from us: escaped this life
You had left your body: no longer there inside
I said "He's gone my loves: left this earth!
He no longer resides there inside
This is but an empty shell: no warmth
No beating heart: just emptiness!
He's not here! No, he's not here!" 

We cried for your tragic loss
We cried for all the things we'd miss
We cried for all of the unfinished business
For all the memories that would never be ours

It felt like we are at the wax-works
Maybe at Madam Tussauds in London

For though I stroked his hair: it felt the same!
His face was that of a stranger: no smiles lingering
No animation: no pinkening: no life at all
A hard line where your mouth once smiled
Those hands that held mine for many years
Now folded in their cold embrace! Alone!

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Where do I belong?

Ever felt like you don't belong?
Like you are in the wrong place?
Maybe even in the wrong family?
What happens when you feel so lost?
How do you carry on: get on with life
Feeling everything is just one big mess?
Sometimes I feel like I missed the boat
Got left behind: left outside to sink or float
Stranded: up shit creek without a paddle
Tossed from the frying pan: out into the fire
How to describe this conundrum: this puzzle?
What feels amiss can be such a struggle!
Searching for something that looks familiar
Anything that might make it less peculiar
I have never felt like I belonged
Yes I felt lost: stranded; like a bird grounded
Helpless before the onslaught: trapped, caught!
Unable to find that familiar place
Unable to find that blessed grace
Then one day I finally found my niche
After seemingly searching through millions of micro fiche
Yes I found my place and through God's grace
I am at home at last: forgiven my stupid past
Jesus saved me: has enslaved me: joyfully
I am a member of His wonderful family
Yes I have been saved: I am rescued: forgiven! 
I look forward to my eternity: my new life I am living!

Despised and downtrodden

Despised; looked down upon
Left behind: given up on
How does it feel when loved ones?
Give up on you: have had enough
Are sick of trying to get through
You will not listen to their pleas
Will they abandon you with ease?
Leave you crying on your knees?
Kick you when you’re down and out
Already weakened: diseased: spent
How many times must I beg you to “please”?
How many times must I return to grease?
Those cogs and wheels that jam
That stubborn thinking brain of yours
Left wallowing within that stuffed up head
Too many bitter memories: left for dead
I tried for so many years to help you 37 in fact
Begged, pleaded, cajoled, wheedled
Yelled, screamed, prayed unheeded
Now I need some support from you
My mum’s leukaemia has me in a spin
I know we all have to die one day
But I’d rather it be “later”: not today!
I am feeling anxious: my heart’s pounding
Driving up to the Riverland to see her
Will I see a weakening: a difference?
Something obviously giving way to
That illness that will not just go away
I’m crying all the time: when will it be “Me time”?

Look at it from my point of view
What more could any mortal do?

Now turn it all around again
See it from another’s point of view

Stop talking at me: I am depressed
Leave me alone: I am non-plussed
These painful thoughts within my head
Are all that matter: all that I can feel
I am no Achilles with just a weakened heel
I am a lost boy: to Neverland, I need to fly
I cannot go on and do it all
I am still hurting from my early life
You are my mother as well as wife
It all seems too difficult to bear
Feed me: wash a shirt for me to wear
Make my coffee: do everything
Cook my meals, wash up my dishes
It’s all too hard for me I swear
I don’t care about my clothes
Covered in ash: I stink, I suppose
I’ve become a burden even to myself
Just leave me here: rotting in my filth
Don’t want to have a bath
Don’t lead me up the garden path
Just let me sit and think here alone
I am perfect: no need for me to atone

Now look at another’s life I know
It seems so difficult to follow

I beg you to stop smoking those
Stinking cigarettes: cancer might get you yet
I worry about these things: they get me down
You do not care about how I feel
Though I beg and plead; grow angry at your needs
I worry that you will leave me; die of cancer
Leave our children without their mum
What a lazy thing you have become
You cannot even keep our house clean
Why do I have to do everything?
I have to look after the kids at night
I have to feed them: play with them
Clean up their constant mess
I am so overcome with stress
This dystonia is crippling me
When oh when will you ever see?
I need you to help me: stroke my head
I feel like I will die one day instead
Leave you alone to cope: what then
Will you be happy when I’m gone?

Look again from another’s point of view
Does it sound familiar to you?

I am struggling to do everything
I am supposed to be a super-woman
You never give me any credit for anything
I will always be younger than you
No matter what I do it’s never good enough
You say to others how proud your are of me
But to my face you have no words: intimidate
Look down your nose: you ingrate!
Can you not ever: just once find something good?
Find a positive: one thing I might do right?
You call me names; you put me down
You think I cannot do anything right
Well I’m sick of being told that I’m useless
I’m sick and tired of feeling stressed
I wait for you to come on home
Ready for you to start again: laying blame
I find I need that cigarette to ease my stress
I cannot relax because you always attack
I can never seem to talk: answer you back
You never listen to my words: looked down upon
I am always spurned: your words burn!
I run away to escape your angry face
But there is never anywhere to hide
I feel cornered so I fight and scream
What ever happened to our lifelong dream?
Living happily ever after so in love

My dad is dead just 2 months ago
Our baby is barely 8 months old
I breast feed: give her everything I’ve got
I’m up all night taking care of her
You are no bloody help at all
You begrudgingly help a tiny bit
Acting like it is all: “your job”: “can’t you cope with it?”
You are so up yourself: so ego filled
Like everything should be done for you
You are such a “macho man”
Primping, preening gallivanting around
I look at you: you are “all show”
Doing as little as you can
Looking down your “stuck up” nose at me
When will you ever see?
I’m doing the very best I can
Can’t you see I need some support from you?
What is it that you even do?
I ask you to rub my aching neck
You say every time: “later: I’ll do it then!”
Well that never happens if you care to look around
It’s always me that helps your poor aching head
When will it be “Me time” instead?
It’s just not fair: I’m feeling depressed
Every day there’s more and more stress
I’m on edge: expecting more anger from you
Its what I’m getting used to: but I’m not happy
How do I get through to you: you will not listen to me!
All you ever do is put me down: again and again
I’m falling into this deep dark pit
No light coming into it: becoming darker every day
Help me I’m drowning in all this unfair shit!

Trying to understand

I look at other's lives and try
To figure out the how's and whys
How come some are so restless?
Why must they wander about?
Why can't they settle down?
Why move about?
Others are happy to stay in one place
Don't want to go anywhere 
Can't make them get up or out
Can't move them whether you shout
I look at so many people
Study their faces: look inside their hearts
With some it is easy: with others: an art
I feel their pain: let me be plain
I am a thinker: I look inside and decide
I see their hurts and worries
It is a gift I have acquired
God's gift I guess: no less!
So as I study those around me
I sometimes just cannot see
How some can be so mean and cruel
While others are emphatic to the Nth degree
Why is it that some smart people
Have no idea about what is fair
Is it that they feel above others or
Is it that they just don't care?
Are so selfish: unknowingly?
How is that possible? How can that be?
Surely having the brains to understand much
Should bring understanding as such
On all topics: on all levels: it seems to me
But it just isn't so: I'll have you know
Some love hurting others: love causing strife
Enjoying other people's pain for their own pleasure
But how is this fair: to what measure do we decry
This is not fair! This is not right! We must fight!
Though often ignored: the words inscribed
Within the Holy Bible should be our guide
Yes please open that book wide
Look inside and see: a wealth of clarity
Home truths and revival: please read your Bible
Jesus calls us all to come closer and closer to Him

Cuddly bear

A few years ago I was called a "cuddly bear"
I guess I have to admit I am no longer slim
But I always see myself as I was years ago
But now i must admit to no longer feeling trim
What I was back in the 1970's no longer is the case
I have changed all over: not just my pretty face
No longer am I the petite young girl: not any more
I have passed a few milestones: yes indeed
"Getting on a bit" as they say; but on a good day
I might look ten years less: though I do confess
I'd like to look younger: feel a lot stronger
Maybe even hope to live a lot longer: oh yes!
Mortality stares me in the face: I am only human
I have slowed a bit: gained a few wrinkles
My hair has a few grey sprinkles: I dye it!
I am lucky though because I have eaten well
Been a vegetarian for a third of my life
That does make a difference I know it does
But if I were to suffer from past regrets
I suppose losing my figure is not really part of it
I'd like to reverse time and grow younger: true
Wouldn't you? I'd like to regain some fitness
Yes I'd like to be a witness to renewing life
So as I go on living day by day: I must say
Enjoy the days you have already had
Look forward to the ones that are to come
Be thankful for every blessing that comes your way
Love your family: laugh at life; for time passes
Quickly: yes it does: it just flies past oh so fast
So grab a hold of your eternity: take time by the hand
Remember the good times: laugh whenever you can
Tomorrow comes and will not be delayed
Yes enjoy what ever you can: while you still can!

Monday, 26 May 2014

35 years

35 years ago today
I walked down the aisle
You were waiting
With your nervous smile
We said "I do"
We danced in style
 Our families celebrated
All the while
Now as I remember
So many long years ago
Time has passed my dear
Now I think of you
Our children sit between us
They share our genes
So much happened
In those years between
Now as I think about you
Remembering those days
I wonder where the time went
I wonder about so much
How come you've gone and left us?
How come I'm all alone?
All I have are memories
No longer are you here to hold
I cried for you today dear
I cried for all the years

Listen to the rain

The skies grow darker as
The rain begins to fall
I sit here listening
As I wonder about it all
You should have been here
Right beside me: next to me
It was our anniversary after all
Where are you my love?
What happened to your soul?
Has it all been for nothing ?
Has everything been wiped clean?
Does anybody understand me?
Anybody at all ? Know what I mean?
Does your soul fly heavenward?
Does it simply cease to exist?
Do we just go to sleep for eternity?
Do we crumble unto dust?
Do we exist only in memories?
Are we forgotten and left alone?
How long must any soul atone?
So many unanswered questions
So many thoughts pass through my head
It's just that honey: I still can't believe you're dead!

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me talking to you?
Am I just a nuisance: tightening the screw?
Will you be like your father?
Stubborn till the end!
Will you be like your mother! Me!
Holding it all in!
We try to ask you nicely
We beg you: to be sure
"Please honey, give up smoking!"
Before there is no cure!
Does history have to repeat?
Does life just go on and on?
Surely we can all learn
From what has gone before!
Just like I said to your daddy
Over long, long years
You surely must recall
You would have heard me begging
You would have heard me yell
Trying to change his destiny
Trying to keep him from his hell
"Please!" I begged him
"Please do it for yourself!
I cannot give up for you
You have to do the hard miles
You have to feel worthwhile
Yes you know this is true
It is all up to you!"

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Sad but true

Life is sad but true
So many love to argue
They care not to repay a debt
They'd rather escape the net
Sinking  lower than the rest
Resorting to bad behaviour!

"Men are more ready
To repay an injury
Than a benefit because
Gratitude is a burden
Revenge is a pleasure!"
Tacitus C. 55 - 120 A.D.

Look around and you will see
That people would rather
Cause another person injury
Without any thought at all
No remorse; no gravity
All is "Just do it!" mentality
The sayings that abound
Are really nasty: underhand
No forgiveness: just demand
"Don' just get even: get revenge!"
What ever happened to "doing right"
What ever happened to honesty?
Dear Lord : so many people
Everywhere I go: everywhere I look
Sadness: as they show no respect
Children get to answer back
Of parental supervision there is a lack
Lord help us to pray more
Lord help us get back to civility!

Compared to Jesus

What a mess man has made
When so many people 
Fail to make the grade
Of all of the world's people
Who has the right to decide?
Who has the right to deride?
What makes one perfect?
Who has the right to object?
What makes another less?
It puzzles me I must confess!
Nobody has the right to judge
No not one is above the rest
We are all but second best
When compared to Jesus!


He's already made up his mind
To look at life unfairly
Looks down upon her faults
Looks down upon her life
Too many problems
Too much strife
Not good enough for him
Not good enough to be a wife
Her addictions are all he sees
No other thoughts of ease
He despises all...everything 
Around his 
Never thinks to compliment
Never thinks she's heaven sent
It's so unfair you see
To look at things that way
What about her beauty?
Her grace
What about her pretty face?
Have you lost that love?
Forgotten how to see
Through the eyes of love
Now it's all negative
How can anybody live?
Without a single positive?

Friday, 23 May 2014

Sadness fills my life

Sadness fills my life
So much bloody strife
Everything turned upside down
Don't feel like smiling: frown!
Arguments going on everywhere
People screaming out: unfair 
I'm sick of all the hatred everywhere
Sick of all the torment: pulling out my hair
Why is it so difficult to say sorry
Why too easy to ignore loved ones: worry
What happens to our poor kids
When all they hear is crazy: on the skids 
Without God in our everyday lives
Everyone just barely survives
Please think about your precious babies
Please do the right thing: no maybes 
Remember: everyone carries a burden
Remember: we, all of us are hurting!

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Evaleah my angel

Evaleah is my little angel
She makes me smile at will
She makes my days
Shine full of rays
For she is just so special
She sings her songs out loud
Loves everyone in the crowd
Oh dear Lord I am so proud
That she is here to make
This sadness easier to bear
I love the scent of her skin
I love the scent of her hair
She just smiles and laughs 
Just for me it seems
And my heart cannot be still
I love you my precious little grand-daughter!

Life is made up of choices

Life is made up of choices
We all choose our path
Listen to those little voices
Telling us: remember to laugh
Always think happy thoughts
Remember we only have one life!

Life is made up of memories
We can all choose good days
Listen to your heart: deep inside
Telling us: remember to laugh 
Always think good thoughts
Remember we only have one chance!

Ewen's Ponds

Tim and Ian went diving
Down south near Mount Gambier
At Ewen's Ponds
They took their time and relaxed
Couldn't let Tim get overtaxed
Had trouble once before: decompressed
Was told not to do it ever again
But Nature called and off he went
On that diving trip: was hell bent
Though all went well he suffered much
Wouldn't let it get him down: life was such
Every time we drove up Sedan hill
He kept on feeling really ill
Those bubbles still afloat within his blood
Caused some problems: like a flood
Head aches, nausea and so on
All came back to torture him dear one
Yes: many times after that dive
We wondered how he was still alive!

Still as the dawn

Canoeing trip along the mighty Murray
Took it easy: there was no hurry
Long hard days underneath the sun
Getting good exercise: having fun
Enjoyed the peace: the constant rowing
Campfire burning: stars a glowing
Rising up before the sun
Came upon a peaceful billabong
Pure and still as dawn awoke
Nothing said: no one spoke
Picture seared into their brains
Such beauty: peace: no constraints
Ever theirs to remember
Praising God that quiet December

To Him who created every living thing
To Him: let our voices rise in praising!

Poppa was a sailor man

Poppa was a sailor man
Where ever  he sailed his boat
Was his home
Poppa was a Viking man
Travelling all over the world
Where ever he can
Came to our distant shores
In Australia during the war
Found his wife to be
Evelyn Cranswick 
Was her name
Poppa was a sailor at war
Where ever those ships sailed
Was his home
Three ships sank 
Beneath the waves
Each time only he was saved
He returned to shore
Always going back for more
Yes he kept returning: he
Was a true man of the sea
Disappeared for ten long years
Wife and son left at home
Yes: alone to face their fears
Returned to shore 
After that long war
Two more sons were born
Richard the eldest
Mark and finally Timothy
Sadness was to be their song
PTSD was what was wrong
Poppa died in 1962
Brain aneurism was to blame
Left behind: shattered wife and sons
Never to return to shore
Valhalla his destination
That's for sure!

Just five minutes she begs

"Just five minutes" she begs
"Just five minutes" she pleads
I only want to relax a little bit
I only need to sit a little while
Then I'll simply get on with it
But it never happens...
It goes on and on each day
A mother's life is never ending
It's always duty that calls...

Cracks in the mask

What do I do when the cracks appear?
My mask is slipping tear by tear
How do I cope when you're not here?
Knowing it will go on year by year
Help me Lord to surrender all
I am slowly sinking: ready to fall

People look and see this face
Cannot comprehend this grieving place
Nobody can really come inside
For this is where I hide the tide
The tears keep coming: flowing down
Torrents cleansing out these frowns


What do I do when the cracks appear?
My mask is slipping tear by tear
How do I go on living here?
Knowing you are but a dream: it's clear
Help me! I want to scream out loud!
Nobody can hear me in the crowd

People watch me as I walk on by
Probably wondering why I cry?
It's because I'm grieving for you
Sleeping less as I carry on through
Waking up without you there
Not even seeing you in your chair


What do I do when the cracks appear?
My mask is slipping tear by tear
How do I cope when you're not here?
Knowing it will go on year by year
Help me Lord to surrender all
Catch me for I'm beginning to fall

Crying over you

The past few days have been
A little harder because they seem
To catch me feeling down and out
Just want to scream and shout
Why did you have to go away?
Why did you have to go and die?
So many things I want to ask?
So many things I want to say
What were you thinking?
What made you even contemplate?
How could you leave us?
What tempted you to tackle fate?
The questions float around inside my head
The answers never seem to come I am beset
Oh honey how it hurts my beating heart
To know we'll ever be apart
Can't understand how you could go?
Can't see and ending to our plight
This sadness just continues on and on
Will it ever recede: ever be gone?
How long does losing the one you love?
Continue to burn you up inside?
Oh Lord it seems so unfair
That others get on with life: don't seem to care
Expect you to function just like before
No lessening of their demands upon me too
Well I'm not coping: can't you see
How your cruel words are hurting me
I'm not doing anything you see
Im on auto pilot: struggling to fly free
Hardly a day goes by that I do not cry
Hardly a day speeds by and I wonder why
All this crap is happening to me
Yes: why is it happening to me?

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Breaking point

How long do you have to say sorry?
How often must you make amends?
For all the silly things that happened
When you were stupid enough to offend?
How many years does it take you?
How many times to offer up your prayers?
To make up for those silly offences
That took you by surprise: unawares
Is it an infinite exclamation: over many years?
Is it seventy times seven just like the Bible says?
Why do you have to continue the abasement?
Why continue kneeling over and over again?
It is to God we must apologise: not man: he is weak
Isn't it enough: said with feeling: bringing you to tears!

Monday, 19 May 2014

Happy Birthday Vanessa

Twenty nine years ago today
I had my precious girl: my daughter
What memories come flying back
Of that night when she was born
Now my girl is a woman grown
Has children of her own
Though it is a blessing for sure
It is difficult to be happy as
Her father Tim is not here
To wish her a wonderful day
But I am sure he would if he could
Yes I'm sure he'd say: "I love you!
Have a wonderful birthday!"

Oncology unit

Mum has to travel to the RAH
Every six weeks or so
Visiting the doctor on the 7th floor
Oncology level 7 the sign says
As we catch the lift up again
Around the bend and along a bit
Just like we did before
Today I couldn't go with her
I was just too sick myself
Got an awful flu and cough
Can't risk her catching this
Today the news was not good
No, not very good at all
The tablets are not working
No, not working anymore!
They want to start injections
Trips to Adelaide each week
Too much for mum to contemplate
Too difficult to endure: what next?
Not many options left to explore!
Dear Lord what will happen?
What misery is now in store?
How will we cope with this new lot?
How can we possibly go on?
She's getting weaker each time I see her
Weaker and just a little less sure
That she can fight this monster
That medicine cannot cure!

Shedding Our tears

I think about my daughters
Crying out all their tears
Some days their eyes are all dry
Some days tears come in floods
Dripping down their poor sad faces
Leaving tracks upon their cheeks
Sometimes we cry together
Sometimes we cry alone
It all depends on how we're feeling
Whether at work or at home
Some things just set us off
Some things just make us sad
Some days we feel a little better
Some days are just crap
But whenever we're together
We lift each other up
Little things can make us cry out
Like the music that we hear
Those songs from Titanic
Those we just can't bear
That was dad's favourite movie
We watched it so many times
Now it gets us crying!
No matter where we are!

Rain drops in my hair

In primary school we had many teachers
They came and went every year 
I guess it's not much fun teaching
So far away from the big city
I remember needing to go to the loo
I think I was in grade one or two
It was raining outside: just a little bit
I had to go and that was that: no doubting it!
I got permission to run outside up that little hill
Made it there and back as quickly 
As my little legs could! 
But that teacher wasn't happy
No, not one little bit! 
Whacked my legs with a ruler
Told me I'd taken way too long
I'll never forget that teacher
Nor how she did me wrong!

The math test

I remember going to Moorook Primary School
I was just a little kid but I loved to help out 
In the little children's classroom: wanted to become a teacher!
One of the teacher's was ill so volunteers were needed
To go and help out! I was desperate to go and do it
Karen came with me too; we loved to be the "big kids"
Loved making a fuss of the little ones I'm telling you!
We were supposed to have a math test: we didn't care
Said we'd do it later just let us out of here!
So we ended up helping the teacher
We had so much fun and the best part was
We didn't have to do that Math test
For we were let off of that one as well!
Thank you Mr C A Hastwell for letting us off!

Opening of Kingston-on-Murray bridge 21 February 1973

For many years the ferries did the work
Taking endless loads of cars across the river
In summer time the wait was tedious to say the least
But there was no other way to cross that mighty river
No other way to tame that snaking beast
Finally the bridge was completed: finally the day came
When at last after all the waiting: they opened up that great bridge!
On the 21st of February in 1973 when I was still a teen
All of us kids were beaming: we were a part of local history
As we watched them cut the ribbon: watched them open up that tide
As cars were finally able to cross that mighty River Murray: though wide!

What a mess

Feeling a little low
As I survey this muddy mess
Right outside my door
Oh dear Lord you already know the score
How do I pick up the pieces once again?
Sometimes I feel so weary 
Of this mess that abounds
Though I try to laugh it off
I feel like crying too!
Just a little: as I think of you (Tim)
Dear Lord you are all powerful
You stopped the water from coming in
You hold all the earth in your hands
So many children of your heart
In so much misery and pain
I know I need to be thankful
For everything I've got 
But sometimes I forget my blessings
And feel so down at heart
Then I think of all the others
Living in dire straits
Without the things we consider here
As our due: as our necessities!
What about those poor children
All over this sad world
Feeling that hunger: just below their heart
They don't have a shop around the corner
They don't even have a roof over their poor heads

They only know of sadness as they hang their heads
Nobody comes to help them, nobody even cares
When they cry out their pain and sadness
When they cry their tears: who hears?
I know you care Lord, I know you understand
But how can I help everyone in trouble?
Unless you set the wheels in motion
Get those cogs into gear: help start the notion
That we can all live happily, without fear!