Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Cuddly bear

A few years ago I was called a "cuddly bear"
I guess I have to admit I am no longer slim
But I always see myself as I was years ago
But now i must admit to no longer feeling trim
What I was back in the 1970's no longer is the case
I have changed all over: not just my pretty face
No longer am I the petite young girl: not any more
I have passed a few milestones: yes indeed
"Getting on a bit" as they say; but on a good day
I might look ten years less: though I do confess
I'd like to look younger: feel a lot stronger
Maybe even hope to live a lot longer: oh yes!
Mortality stares me in the face: I am only human
I have slowed a bit: gained a few wrinkles
My hair has a few grey sprinkles: I dye it!
I am lucky though because I have eaten well
Been a vegetarian for a third of my life
That does make a difference I know it does
But if I were to suffer from past regrets
I suppose losing my figure is not really part of it
I'd like to reverse time and grow younger: true
Wouldn't you? I'd like to regain some fitness
Yes I'd like to be a witness to renewing life
So as I go on living day by day: I must say
Enjoy the days you have already had
Look forward to the ones that are to come
Be thankful for every blessing that comes your way
Love your family: laugh at life; for time passes
Quickly: yes it does: it just flies past oh so fast
So grab a hold of your eternity: take time by the hand
Remember the good times: laugh whenever you can
Tomorrow comes and will not be delayed
Yes enjoy what ever you can: while you still can!

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