Monday, 2 January 2012

Bought and paid for

The story is long and known by all
So why is it so difficult to accept the call?
We are all but commodities, lined up along a shelf and
Dear Jesus came with His hands so dear and
Swept us all into His heart: took us to the counter there and 
Paid for us all in coin and sweat and tears
This coin He used to pay the price?
His own precious blood of course!
This He willingly gave for us: not because of self
He did it because He knew: He didn't want us to be
Thrown upon the garbage heap!
So now we know that we are bought and paid for!
What difficulty is there then?
All we need to do is look around: see all the pain for us He withstood
As He was nailed to that cross: as He mourned and cried for us
What we owe Him in return is just to look upon His face
And say "Thank You dear Lord for saving me!"
Not such a great sacrifice expected in return!
But in saying these words: there comes the day
When we must realize: like sheep branded by the farmer's iron
We too are branded deep but this brand 
Cannot be seen by earthly eyes because it is 
Inside our beating hearts: it is there that Jesus sees His brand
Upon the flesh He bought: the brand is seared and living there
Blood red and etched so deep!
Property of Jesus Christ: If you should find
This lost sheep: return to heaven for reward!

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