Wednesday, 18 January 2012

No storm

"No storm can shake my innermost calm
While to that rock I'm clinging
Since Love is lord of heaven and earth
How can I keep from singing?"

Thank you Enya (and Mona)
For your beautiful words
The music that enchants me
And as I travel on life's roads
It is to these words I listen
So many times I've heard
That calming hymn
The words they do move me
And so I sing along with you
Though my voice cannot compare
And never will it do so
It's like I hear an angel sing
The melody enchanting
And when I think of you
I smile and raise my eyes
To look heavenward
What blessed voice was given?
To you Enya
How wonderful to hear you
And though I'm so out of date
Still to those words I do relate
As I live my life so far away
One day I wish to meet you
To hear that beauteous voice up close
How can I keep from singing?

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