With all the fascinating things about
Like horoscopes and numbers sure
Chinese, Mayan or some other cure?
How can it really be so talked about?
So probable to know the score
When all these things are supposedly
The whole darn truth and nothing more
How silly and gullible is man?
To think to ask the oracle
The numerologist or even the astrologist
And listen to the tale they tell
When we all know really well
That not one of them is exactly true
How can we believe it all?
How could it possibly be so right?
When truth be told to everyone
Will it work for all who ask?
Will you delay your trip or life or task?
Just because some self-declared occultist?
Believes he knows the way of all life
Be it from the living or the dead
From whence does the power come?
For whom does the bell toll?
Know you not that the evil one
Was once an angel so divine?
And knowing all like Jesus Christ
Thought to make himself as God
Goes about and tries to make
Everyone take heed of his evil intent
He makes the kingdoms shake
And man the wars to make
Because he knows his time is short!
And every strife and woe he causes
Make him happier of course
He wants to see us all go down
He wants to hurt and maim and tear
Families apart! Yes, yours and mine
He doesn't care because he knows almost
As much as dearest Jesus Christ
Only God in heaven knows much more
Only the most-high can really judge
Only He is trustworthy one hundred percent!
No other one does know this truth
It has been hidden for so many years
And now as the time draws near
Let every man lend an ear
And listen as never before
If you truly want to be so sure
It's not to these charlatans
You should listen to
But seek you all in the words of Christ
The Gospel of truth within whose power
The truth and life and strength so sure
In Jesus' blood the gift of life
The eternal treasure of all the years
Will be in His hands when He returns
With fiery chariot up in the sky
His appearance will draw every eye!
Make haste to choose life and right for ever more
Fight the eternal battle to the end
Do not give in, do not bend
Now is the time to comprehend
That only one knows all one hundred percent
And that is Christ the redeemer and only He
Who knows the truth and holds the key
To life eternal with 100 percent guarantee!
Jesus Christ the Son of God
His life given for us on the cross at Calvary
His precious blood shed for you and me
He it is and only He
Who holds the keys to eternity!
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