Sunday, 1 January 2012

Until it happens to you

How wonderful to feel alive and see the sun
As it climbs into the sky and dips again
How wonderful to appreciate every little thing
That God has so freely given to us all
How blessed to have been in so much pain and
Finally to appreciate the healthy feeling
Of when the pain is gone and finally see
How wonderful life is without that gloomy cloud
That completely overshadows all the good and
Makes it seem so impossible to ever feel
Like life is worth living all over again
How impossible to explain the ravages of pain
To another who has never fell its wrath?
To someone who is untouched by illness and
Is blessed to feel so whole and free but
Cannot understand the freedom
That comes with being young and strong
The strength of youth is such that minds
Are unable to comprehend ever growing old
Unable to feel sympathy with someone else's pain
Simply because they've never had to ache
Never been to that darkest gloomy dale
Where pain never sleeps and forces one
To strike at one's own flesh simply because
The tiny change that comes with the extra pain
Is just different enough to ease that constant
Unremitting force that overpowers
By its constancy, never receding far enough
To give a moments peace and so wears away
The patience of the saints to such degree
That anger and frustration become the norm
That every waking moment with no relief
Becomes a burden to shatter one's faith and
Collapses into a numbing heap of aching flesh
Wholly unlike any living thing ever to live upon this earth!

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