O love that will not let me go
I long to be with Thee
I long to meet Thee
In the air amid Thy love
With angels wings to guide me
I love Thee so!
I sigh and dream
Of Thy dear and loving arms
How wondrous soft
To keep me safe from harm
Thy love I seek
'Cause I am so weak
With out Thee I would fall
From mountain top
To soaring heavenly cloud
I trust and give to Thee
Everything that I am
I owe to You
I long to be
Thy precious adoring lamb
Thy guidance I seek
'Tis Thee I would to be like
'Tis Thee I love
My heart is Thine
My soul I give to Thee
My life I return to Thee
Thy precious blood
Thou shed for me
How can I ever repay
My debt to Thee?
To Thee I gladly give
What ever it is that I have
It is Thine Lord
I will follow Thee my Lord
Upon the unbeaten tracks
In the wildest lands
My heart is Thine Lord
I am ready, I am ready my Lord
If Thou needest me?
Here I am Lord!
Please just lead
And I will follow as Thou guide!
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