Friday, 10 February 2012

All talk

You say so many good things
About how people should act
You claim to be the good guy
Yet you look down your nose
You point and you prod
You say all the right things 
Yet your actions speak louder
Yes, your actions deny your own words
You are so self righteous in your own mind
Yet you are a hypocrite in mine!
I see the way you act the man
Yet, don't you know how to do it right, man?
I see your judgemental attitude
I see the way you prance and pose
So why can't you see?
What's right under your nose?
Instead of a single word of praise
Guaranteed to get a raise!
You find fault with everything!
You create your own Karma!
If only you could act a little warmer?
How come you are so distant and conceited?
Can't you see the negativity created?
Where is all the talk and bravado?
That you boast and rant about?
The positive way you say you act
When in reality you act the jack!
You never see the good things
That you should recognize and state
You always see the bad things
The things to be negative about.
All I can say is get off
That high horse you ride on
And take a look around yourself
Open your eyes to the reality
To the wonderful life that others can see!
You are so fricken lucky!
But do you even realize?
How much anguish you create
Because you look down your nose and despise!

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