Saturday, 4 February 2012


Pain is such a difficult concept to explain
For how does one explain a thing that cannot be seen?
Yet it is and has a way of debilitating some
So that it can actually be seen upon the face and
In the eyes and in the mind of that poor one
Who lives with it daily and hourly!
How do you ex[plain pain? A terror in the night?  A living nightmare?
An unsubstantiated fact of life for some but never to be felt by another
No way of showing your best mate how it really feels!
I thought whiplash just a figment of someone's imagination!
How wrong I was!
For the pain that comes with such a novel injury
Is real and unrelenting!: you can't just decide one day
That you don't want it any longer
You can't just take it off like a set of clothes and
Hang it out in the sunshine for a while
It never leaves you alone!
It never seems to ebb away like the tide
It is constant as the sun that shines
It is as fearsome as a raging bull! 
It takes your breath away!
It never takes a nap like a good kid should
But broods and steams and echoes in your mind
It is like a volcano that is ready to erupt
It leaves you breathless as it gathers and explodes
You feel like Krakatoa in the vastness of the seas
As you are swept away to distant shores of painful islands
Among the molten lava of the boiling mountain's mists
Never does it seem to leave but only momentarily it eases
Only to return again full fury over and over again!

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