Thursday, 9 February 2012

What do I do?

What do I do when you feel so low?
When you feel the world's given up on you?
How do I fight against my own flesh and blood?
When the system seems to have let you slip?
Through all the holes and mess of education
How do I fight for you if you won't fight with me?
How do I get you to go to school in a good frame of mind?
How do you force someone and still be thought kind?
What does a little mother do to keep her teen son in line?
Help me Lord for I've reached the end of my line!
What encouragement can I offer to make it change?
What more can I do but offer to go along and talk to them?
The enemy at school with whom the responsibility lays!
How do I force him to just get up and try to face all the eyes?
The ones he sees looking at him as he goes into the fray
All those eyes that make him feel less than worthy and despised?
How Lord does one try try to pick up all those pieces that he's become?
How to put him together to become my happy son again?
Do I just have to sit and watch him as he declines?
As he becomes some alien monster over time?
I have no answers do you?
I have no way of changing space or time!
I would gladly do it if I could!
But all I have are these two small hands
To offer comfort and try to smooth the way
All I have is a mother's heart that loves him
No matter where the world drags him in its grip
All I have is this faithful heart that has to hurt with him
And pray for him until the sun is ready to shine for him again!

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