Saturday, 4 February 2012

Not this little black duck!

I burnt the steaks oh silly me
Well guess what! Your scape goat I will not be!
Too many times have I taken on!
Your blame for everything!
To me your fingers poke in jest
Well not any more will I pliant be!
'Tis your madness and difficulty!
If you do the stuff you do the time!
Why should I be your partner in crime?
If you choose to kill your self with smokes
Why should I be the one to choke?
On your fumes and then melancholy!
It's not me that compels you!
It's that other bad seed!
He's the one that feeds your greed!
Not this little black duck to take the blame!
'Tis not me that causes you the world to hate!
'Tis not me that fights the battles of your fate!
You make your choices then you point
Your finger at me to make me quake!
No longer in your thrall will I be led!
You're the one that's made your bed!
You lie in it and wallow there instead!

I pray for you to keep the evil one at bay!
He's the one that sends the horrid things you say!
He's the one whose deadly fingers rush
His the evil fingers that know which buttons to push!
I stand against that evil tide
I'm the one who tries your soul to hide
From his evil clutches and his pride
My prayers are strong enough to turn the tide
Yet into your life you let him worm
I hear the words you speak and then I squirm
The hurtful things he feeds you: you embrace
Rather you should push aside his evil hurtful face
Away from your heart: and not his feelings take to heart
You make me angry when you claim
'Tis me who hates and brings you shame!
Hardly do you realize
'Tis your indifferent heart that opens wide
Your little habits are the things that make
Your castle battlements to quake!

Your human strengths on which you rely
Are as paltry as castles of sand and clay
To that immortal combatant's plays
Only God's weapons: His armour does hold fast
When the evil one does his hoary weapons cast
Every little sin you let into your heart
Is used against you as you try to fight
Only God's word as weapons strong
Will halt that evil horror as it stings
Its way into your soul and does it cling
It wraps its wily coils of hurt and hate
Uses your words and deeds to imitate
The good angel on your shoulder as it sings
Of your poor hurts and imaginings
He pricks and prods and pokes away
At any shield you have in play
Nothing stands within his way!
He knows any little thing to use
In this evil game he loves to play! 
Please I beg of you
Please don't let a moment delay
Put on the armour God lays there at your side
Pick up the shield don't let it lie
No good it is if left to tarnish and decay
Please I beg you, don't delay!
Don't let this evil one into the fray
He's too strong for you or me alone
He does not hold back, his legions hold sway
If only you do not let him in to ply
His evil thoughts; there to take your soul away
The only sure fire way to win the day!
Is by putting on God's armour!
God's word will hold the day!
Read and learn the words of Jesus Christ!
Use His weapons and turn that evil blast!
With-hold the fiery darts and hold evil at bay!
Please, I beg you! Don't waste another day!

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