It was early in the morning
The sun was shining bright
The birds were all singing
The air was full of light
The lambs their mothers calling
A couple of magpies, a few sparrows
All singing and squalling
Lots of little birds and big crows
I saw Galahs and pigeons
Green Lorikeets and red
Yet the others; the humans
Were still rugged up in bed
It seemed as if I was
The only one around
As I was serenaded, sung to
By a symphony of sound
The grass was green and lush
After so much stormy rain
The Aussie bush a blazing
In all its colours the land was stained
I heard the kangaroos a thumping
As they turned around and fled
I saw the little lambs following
Their mothers as they led
I saw in it God's glory
It was such a beautiful sight
So I'm here to tell the story
Of His love, His beauty and His might!
The swallows were all playing
As through the air they sailed
And up above so far away
An aeroplane: so tiny and so pale
I felt sorry for those people
The passengers so totally unaware
Of this glorious dew-dropped morning
They were missing so high up in the air
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