Wednesday, 7 November 2012

The wasps

I’ve watched them build their nest of mud
Circular and rather odd!
Never seen the like before
Thought to leave them to their chore
As I come and go in my garage.
Thought to charm them with a smile
Letting them go all the while
Ignoring their threat as not worthwhile
So tiny and insignificant!
But as their nest grew and grew
Saw some heads and wings poking through
But only on that outside ring of chambers
Watched as they flew about
Getting food or whatever their scouts
Were doing?
Then one day as I got home
No longer were they nice and quiet
They attacked me!
Like bomber squadrons in wars of old
They flew at my face to sting and wage
Their war!
Though I flung my arms about
Though I yelled and then screamed out
They kept coming!
I ran for cover inside the house
Crying as I held my face
Stinging! Swelling! Painful state!
Splashing water on that place
My eyelid puffing up so fast
Sorry wasps my mind cried out
We could have shared the place alright
But no longer! My thoughts!
To my dear grandsons did race
What if they were to attack their little face?
Never could my mind their pain accept
The war was on!
Shouted out I to my spouse
Honey! Get those rotten wasps
They hurt me!
So armed with weapons to fight that war
We formed our solid front
And stormed them!
Fly spray and shovel long
We attacked their mighty stronghold!
Then when battle smoke was cleared again
I went to find my safety then
And covered my wounds with cooling ice!

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