Monday, 8 April 2013

Audience participation

I've been checking my statistics regularly!
It has been so amazing to see that map
Change colour over the past few years
The darkest green is where people have
Had a look at these words of mine
I really do appreciate everyone's viewing
You know it is so beautiful to watch it spread
To see the colours as word spreads
Across this huge world of ours
But truly what matters most to me 
Is that people are willing to have a look
To read these words from my heart
To maybe understand how much I care
How much Jesus' love for me has
Warmed my heart and soul! 
I often think: why would anyone love me?
Let alone: the most powerful Lord of this Universe!
You see: I am such a tiny little mind
In all of this mighty world and universe
Less that a grain of sand
In the whole scheme of things!
But my heart is huge and grows larger
It is filled with love from my dearest Lord
It runs over and must be shared
That is how it all works!
That is how Love spreads
Little by little we pass on 
His magnificence; His passion; His love!
These He willingly gave for us
To show us just how much 
He truly loves us: His children!

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