Wednesday, 15 April 2015

On top of Mt Wellington

My family took a holiday to Tasmania
When I was just 5 years of age
I remember driving around the Apple Isle
In our old car; visiting our dear friends
They had sponsored my mum and dad
When they first arrived here in Australia
Gave them a roof over their heads
Provided work for them to do; to survive
I was just a tiny baby way back then
I have seen the old black and white photographs...
But as we drove around I do remember the trip
We drove to the top of Mount Wellington 
In Hobart: I still recall the clouds we went through
I put my hand out the window: thinking to catch one
But all I got was cold damp air: I felt cheated 
We drove through the mountains to Queenstown
The road was very winding and I was sick of it
I said "Dad, can't we just go straight?"
Not understanding the nature of the trip
We revisited our friend's homes
Dear Keith and Ada Boys: loved their farm house
I still remember playing underneath it
It was magical to me: as a 5 year old...
The best part was the drive on the tractor
To the field where we were to celebrate 
The fireworks were amazing to me then...

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