Native Americans have worn their hair long
For many centuries and with good reason...
How they wear your hair has great significance
They believe that their hair is an extension
Of their very thoughts: they used their hair
To portray and announce their intentions
To participate in events: to indicate their
State of mind: their status; of marriageability
Or of merriment or mourning...
Even they way their hair was combed
Portrayed their alignment of thought...
Their braid showed their oneness of thought...
The way it was tied showed the securing of though...
Each hair style represented a different frame of mind...
Hair was not just a fashion accessory
But the pinnacle of spiritual expression, intuition and power
Nature put hair on our bodies fro a reason...
On our legs: regulates the glandular system
Stabilises a person's electromagnetic field
Under our armpits: protects sensitive area
Where parasympathetic nervous systems come together
Affects the brain and energy level...
Eyebrows: protect eyes from sun and sweat
Facial hair on men: covers the moon centre on the chin
We are practically the only creatures designed
With hair on top of the head: long hair over the brain
Short hair over the body. ..
Our hair is and antenna to receive a picture
Of the subtle world around us...
To tell us when people are lying...
To feel things before they happen...
The natural intelligence of the body
Is to maintain the hairs...
If allowed to grow undisturbed...
It reaches a certain length and stops...
Proven scientifically
People with long hair are less tired...
Are less likely to be depressed...
They conserve energy...
If you keep cutting your hair
It will grow 22 metres over your lifetime
But if you leave it is 1.5 metres
Genghis Khan forced the Chinese
To cut their hair in submission
Ordered them to wear bangs (fringe)
To cover their third eye
To inhibit intuition and subtle knowledge
Hair is a conductor of the body's electromagnetic energy
Like an antenna on AM radios is coiled in a circle for induction
Which causes any conductor of electromagnetic energy
To induce a current on adjacent conductors...
When you coil a conductor the signal becomes stronger
The hairs on top of our head; our antennae
Conduct energy into the body...
Hair emits energy patterns into the environment
This has been proved by Kirlian photography...
According to the yogis; long hair causes
Phosphorous, calcium and Vitamin D to be produced
These enter the lymphatic fluid into the spinal cord
Through the two ducts on top of the brain
Creating more efficient memory,
Greater physical energy and stamina and patience...
I know I could do with any help I can get...
Especially the patience!
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