Why is it that some people cannot sleep?
Though they try so hard: though they keep
To routines and all that stuff and try to do...
What is wrong with some? I'm asking you?
Does the time of your birth decide your fate?
Are you forever stuck in that same sleep race?
Does your diurnal rhythm change with time?
What happens as we develop: as we grow?
Can we ever dispense with that infernal alarm clock?
Can we not rely upon some God-given internal clock?
Is there never a balance to be gained?
Is there nothing we can do to see a change?
In days gone by: it is true: people rose and slept
Taking their guidance from the sun: no pun
There was no light but that God given light
Until candles were invented: necessity foretold
There never seemed to be enough time
To do all the work that must be done
Though they toiled from dawn till dusk
Though they slaved away and did it all
There was always something more to do...
Everything had to be made from scratch...
Then life diversified: people made things for another
They became artisans and lived to make their stuff
Selling what ever they could spare...
Today we have more problems than ever
Shift workers toiling in dead of night
What a sore and sorry plight...
Kept up at all hours of the night...
Then when daylight comes and sleep is due
What are they supposed to do?
The noise of daily life intrudes...
Making it almost impossible to rest...
So does the time that you were born...
Make any real difference later on?
I was born at 8 am: am I a morning person then?
Mike was born at 9:38 pm: is he an evening person?
Vanessa was born at 12:28 am: very late at night
Does this ensure her sleeplessness: is that it?
If Shelley was born at 6:20 am: gets up earlier than them...
Is this the rule we must live by?
Guided by the time of birth upon this crazy earth?
I do not know: it is only a theory...
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