We all have the God-given right
To choose our own path; our flight
Should any seek to change that deal?
These days it is becoming more real...
They are doing more than steal your choice
They are taking away your very voice...
What right has any to make you decide
That you cannot accept their choice...
In your life...it is your voice...
That should be loud...your chance...
To stand your ground...
Who has the right to choose one path for you?
Or another...certainly not your brother...
It is yours and yours alone...
"If" is the magic word that I heard today...
If you do the crime...you must be prepared...
To do the time...yes...
You must give unto Caesar...
What ever Caesar demands...
Obey rules and regulations...
But at what point does the system...
Get put out of joint?
This exactly is my point...
God holds us responsible for choosing
It is our very own responsibility to choose right
If you choose to take drugs and have an overdose?
Your family it is that suffers...they had no choice...
If you choose to drink and drive...the mother you killed...
Had no choice...had no voice...her family suffers...
Simply because you chose to drink that alcohol and drive
Governments think they have the right to force
Us to give up our voice...to give up our choice...
The constitution gives us rights but they are lost
When our rights are tossed into the garbage bin...
We are losing more and more of our freedom
To choose according to our conscience...
We all have the right to commit a sin...
It is our choice to wallow in...or to give up on life...
That is the choice we all must make...
Do I want to go along that evil path?
Do I want to go out and do what's right?
God wants us to come to Him...willingly
He doesn't want us to come to Him through fear
It must be that we come because of love...
Love for our Father...love for the Son...
"Let it be Thy will that is done not mine oh Lord!"
This is how we should come...in faith and trust...
There is no other way that it should be...
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