Can you not see your own condition?
Do you understand your fate?
Can you not see Jesus waiting?
Yes, waiting at heaven's gate...
Look into your own heart
Seek thy salvation there
For if you see only yourself?
What hope is there for thee?
Trust in The Lord, in Him only
He it is who sets you free
Take His words, fill up on His love
For He is the gift God gave to thee
Humble your hearts before your Lord
Detach from those worldly claws
Forgive each other for losing sight
For all have fallen way too short
Self-seeking hearts will fall apart
While unity you must all impart
Gather together before your Lord
Seek ye the Saviour at His word
Love your neighbour as yourself
For in forgiveness and unity combined
Together carry the cross you each bear
Uplifting one another day and year
Thy Father was ready to pour out His love
But that humbling work, out of His control
They could not give up self and pride
This vision is all that you have been supplied
God was ready to take us home, but like Israel
The land of Canaan was not entered in
Rebellion and pride went striding in
Carried aloft by His people's sin...
Surrender fully to His matchless love
Allow the completion of His mission on earth
Confession and consecration above all
Will halt this gradual fall...
So Pentecost was lost once again
For there was no peace among the brethren
They could not surrender up their self
Were left waiting still upon life's shelf
The promised land is waiting for us all
Jesus is waiting for us to finally...
Yes, finally accept this beautiful call
Yet still, we only stumble and fall...
Ellen White was given a vision
Way back in 1901, of the General Conference
A vision only of what could have been...
Due to pride, selfishness, all succumbed
Those brethren who should have united for us all
The angel showed her
Ellen's vision was proved
To be only is true
Only what "could have been"
Had God's people been ready?
He would have happily...
Taken us all home...
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