I cannot stand sitting still
Doing nothing with this brain of mine!
I have to keep it active
Test it every day in every way
To keep that Alzheimer's disease at bay!
They say you need to keep it up
Try new stuff to train your brain
Think of ways to keep it young
Doing puzzles is such fun
I am always doing something mum!
Like crocheting a blanket on the run
Soaking up that glorious sun
Swimming laps at the swimming pool
Watching the glorious setting sun
Taking walks or reading good books
Seeing birds fly up in that azure sky
I have to tell you why!
This brain of mine hates to stagnate
It just gets upset when I try to relax
Just can't stop it turning round
I have to meditate to calm it down
Try to relax and radiate
Good feelings and Jesus' love
I send these healing thoughts up and out
Into that precious atmosphere
That's right! It is so outta sight!
Doing Jesus' will is so wonderful
How to concentrate; emanate
Pass on the grace His love
To every brain all over this earth
That's how much His love is worth!
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