Monday, 8 April 2013

Believing is seeing

You've heard of: seeing is believing!
Well I know for sure that
Believing is seeing!
The power of the mind 
Is just amazing; human kind
Has the capacity to dream
To understand; to change 
So many things!
Just trusting in the Lord
Hearing that blessed word
Jesus' disciples healed 
In His Holy name
All they had to do was trust!
Believe in Jesus' words as truth
Take upon their heart and soul
That all would be just as
Dear Jesus had promised

Taking His precious sacrifice as...
A new beginning 
For their earthly powers
Dear Jesus gave everything
To save us from our life of sin
He promises to come again
That where He is: we might be also!
Take Him at his word!
Be the strength that is needed now
Step up to the line and show
That though He left us 
Many years ago
He is coming soon to take us home!

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