Monday, 8 April 2013

Save Our Souls

Meditate upon your fate
Do it before it is too late!
Ponder your life 
Think on it: is there something?
Missing? Left out? Lost?
Is there something
Lacking: maybe in your attitude?
Are you showing any gratitude?
Do you appreciate what you have?
Have you forgotten what's at stake?
Do you even understand?
That Jesus came to save!
He came to make everything right!
He took upon His blessed heart
All of our sins and died for us!
God sacrificed His only begotten son
Gave Him to save our souls
How precious a gift we hold
In these dirty sin-stained hands of ours!
Will we allow His most precious gift
To pass through our fingers like sand
Without even trying to take hold
Of just a speck of His magnificence?

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