Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Eureka! I've got it!

A friend told me his tale
About his son's questions
Trying to solve maths problems
Asking every day without fail!
He answered every day
Tried to explain in detail
Until one day he was beset
An said without thinking
"Don't you get it yet?"
His son's face turned ashen and
The father realised too late!
He'd lost that precious moment as
His son never asked for help again!
The moral of this tale
Is to remember that each parent
Has a blessed connection
With each of their precious children
And though sometimes 
It is repetitive at best
That quest for knowledge 
That quest for understanding
Is such a basic element of life
It needs to be nurtured
And helped along until
The child finally yells
"Eureka! I've got it!"

I was just the same in high school
I just didn't get that Mathematics
My poor teacher Mr Mattner
Explained over and over again
But it took me so long
To finally get it!
It took me: repeating year 12
They called it year 13 back then!
What really helped me was
A new English teacher
Her name was Di Fischer
It was like she unlocked 
A whole new world for me
Her understanding seemed 
To open up my tortured mind
Released from within me
A beautiful butterfly
Understanding came to me that year!
Ever will I hold that precious teacher
Within my heart: so dear!

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