Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Train trip to Sydney

Two families travelled together
A trip to Sydney: never done before
We met at the railway station
Four adults, four children!
The kids thought it was so much fun
All being together for the whole run
The girls played games with their Barbies
They played all sorts of games
Spending time together
On this big adventure of ours!
Meals were on the train and 
At occasional stops along the way!
As night drew on people melted away
Ready to make themselves
Comfortable for the night
We had our pillows and blankets
We had our special stuff
Like favourite toys and blankets
To cuddle up with!
I remember waking up early
As the train slowed down
The view outside our window
Was of chaos and great mess
The were train carriages everywhere
All over-turned and at angles 
A derailed train that's for sure
Everywhere! I woke Tim and said
"Honey look at this! What a terrible mess!"
We travelled for a long time
We had only to look at the beautiful view
What a magnificent country-side
We got to travel through!
I saw Katoomba and those 
Huge mountainsides
Wow! It was a wonderful train ride!
We got to Sydney on the second day
Ready to disembark from that railway!
We took a cab to our hotel
In the middle of the CBD
What a view we had looking 
Out of our high window!
We went for walks along the streets
Checking out the shops
But the best place we could find
Was in Hyde park with its beautiful surrounds!

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