Why do you always run away?
Why do you always disappear?
When I'm getting serious?
Why do you always have to say?
You have to go: when I am
Speaking of important things
Things that matter to me
Things that matter to my soul?
Things that matter to your soul?
It makes me feel unwanted
It makes me feel depressed
Just when I get going
Just when I'm ready to express
My deepest innermost thoughts
You excuse yourself and flee!
Well what about me?
What about hearing me out?
What about listening?
Please hear me out for a change
Or do you think I'm just too strange?
You make me think it's a waste of my time
The way you just up and go
I don't want to hurt you but...
I am considering: pulling out the plug
So think on this...contemplate...
Then just get back to me...mate!
Is your immortal soul worth the words?
Is it worth the time?
Do you even want to contemplate this?
Have you already made up your mind?
Is it too difficult a task?
Please...just ask yourself?
Please think long and deep...
Please decide before another day
Has gone by...before another sun
Sets in that beautiful evening sky...
Before the book of life is closed
And life is no longer there for you
To live it as you would choose!
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