God’s tears
are the rain
His voice the
God’s words
the lightning bolts
Telling us:
the awful day He’s had
Yesterday His
tears were pouring
Yesterday He
cried so hard
There was
hail in the rainstorm
Icy tears He
hurled at us!
God cries for
all the sinners
God cries for
all the lost
He sends His
tears earthward
He sends His
words to us
Can you not
hear Him crying?
Can you not
tell He is upset?
Do you wonder
at His anger?
Do you forget
why He cries?
For so many
long, long years
He has
laboured to save the lost
Sent His only
begotten Son
Paid a heavy
price: oh such a cost!
Do you think
it did not hurt Him?
Do you think
he suffered not?
How would you
feel when giving all?
accepts the gift: the cost?
So when
darkness comes upon you?
When the
blackness is too deep?
Turn to God
and ask forgiveness!
Allow Him to
give the peace you seek!
When your
thoughts become too heavy
When your
questions run too deep?
Remember you
are a part of
God’s amazing
family: one of His sheep!
He is there
to offer comfort
There to
bring you release
The blessings
of the heavenly Father
The love and
understanding that you seek!
Ask and it
shall be given
Seek and you
shall find
Knock and the
door will open
He is there
to open it: He is kind!
Feel the
blessings of the rain storm
Feel the
showers that do fall
For when we
are drenched in His beauty
That’s when
we understand His magnificent form!
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