Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Is it wrong?

Is it wrong to long for?
Intelligent conversation
Is it wrong to desire?
A superior connection
A blessed understanding?
Of heart and soul and mind?

Is it wrong to long for?
A blessed union
Is it wrong to desire?
Someone who feels the same?
Another soul who is desirous?
Of that inner fire and flame?

Is it wrong to long for?
A good and honest heart
A great sense of humour?
Laughing at the silly things?
Amid all the craziness
Of this sad and difficult life?

Is it wrong to long for?
An equal balance
Is it wrong to desire?
A partnership: where everything is shared
The worries, the cares, the laughter
The tears that come with our lives?

Is it wrong to long for?
A miraculous connection?
Is it wrong to require?
A God fearing partner
Who understands that My God
Comes first: loves Him too

Is it wrong to long for?
An eternal life in the heavens?
Is it wrong to desire?
That blessed rapture
Promised by our blessed Lord
As our deserved reward!

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