I drove along those old familiar roads
Just like I did so many years ago
Way back when I was a little child
When it was my dad who used to drive...
Today I took those turns again
Drove past my uncle's old house
Sitting there on top of the hill
My best friend Martha's place
Across the road: memories came back
I remember running across that road
I remember those fun days we had
Further down the track I called in
At my auntie's house: nobody home
So I continued on past the lagoon
I've been here in my dreams too
Past Swanbury's house: it used to be
Up the road toward the hill
Past Gray Road and further still
To Schenscher Road: wow amazing
To Battams road where I found our house
Drove right past at first because
I just didn't recognise it any more
You know the score: everything's changed
Nothing is the same: no not one bit
The grape vines are long gone
My almond tree died years ago
No water rights to use there at all
The channels were ripped up
It's like a dry dusty desert now
But as I turned into the drive I saw
A little old man: could it be?
Yes, I found Les our neighbour of old
I can't believe he still lives here
We talked of times when I was young
We talked like time had stood still
We reminisced about the tractor
The day that my puppy was killed
About his dear old mother
She used to pinch my cheeks so hard
The amazing goat's milk cheese she made
The herbs she collected among the vines
Her voice calling out "Ella, ella" as she came
We had a cup of tea together: talked of God
Enjoyed the cameraderie of our faith in the Lord
He took me over to the old house that dad built
We walked around amid the junk
So much has changed I'm telling you
It has been over 50 years I suppose
I found the old underground tank
I remember the games we played
My brother and I: Cowboys and Indians
Among the piles of dirt that were dug up
The gelignite uncle used: the fossils we found
I still remember the water that was lost
Several times a least the tank emptied
Overnight: my dad was distraught...
I took photographs of everything
Who knows if I will ever be coming back...
He gifted me with some bread he'd made
A goat's cheese; fresh from the basket
Some honey from his very own bees
I gave him a book of poetry: from me
We hugged and as I left I felt close to tears
Ah the memories that it brought back to me...
I drove along the old roads again
Toward Moorook Primary School...
I've dreamed of walking along these roads
So many times over the long, long years
Everything was greener then: in my memories
Or did I simply see through a younger pair of eyes
After the school I drove down the hill
It's not as steep as I recall: was it ever?
Somehow the whole area is flatter
Is it because I am taller than then?
Has my perspective changed: is that it?
Do we remember things through childish eyes
Obviously: how else could I explain it now...
Drove past the old Lubiana Winery building
Caren, Eileen and Steve were the children there
I found the house halfway down the hill
Wendy Passmore used to live there once
Then later on Ellis' did too: was that the house
That Lynnie and Linton Charlton lived in?
I honestly could not tell: I've forgotten now...
Drove past Nippy's Juice Factory next
Heading towards the main part of town
Found Herb Loxton's house along the way
Thought I recognised the little fence...
Then I was going up the hill towards the shed
Yes; the old Moorook Fruit packing company
Where mum and I used to work: packing oranges
Turned around and headed down the hill
Took more photographs of the Moorook club
The old bank building where Otham's lived
The bowling club is still there too...
Along the river bank I saw the lawns
A nice camping ground now exists
There was nothing but dirt and dust back then
As I remember it: nothing fancy in the 1960's
The river looked so beautiful as I took it all in
The island hasn't changed at all: as I recall
I remember swimming across the river here
With my brother and my darling dad
The fishing trips we had in that little boat
The dip tins we used to catch the shrimp
Redfin galore dad caught with Martha's dad
Then I saw the old Moorook Hall: I'd forgotten
Memories flooded back: of old school concerts
Of rehearsals we did before we got it right
The nerves we had until it was over at last
I finally got to the Moorook store: wow
The bakery is long gone I guess
I remember waiting to catch the bus
Even in my dreams I caught that bus
Though I wonder why that should be?
I didn't live here at any time: so it was a dream
Ah how amazing to travel along this road
The way we used to have to do
Every day for 6 long years I did this trip
First from halfway along the lagoon
Then all the way from Kingston-on-Murray
I continued on the road toward Loxton
Through New Residence: along the way
I remembered so much more of my life
But you know what amazes me the most
Is that it is all right there within my head
Crowding round in my childhood memories...
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