Thursday, 14 March 2013

One Hundred Days of Verity

Dear Verity you're such a rarity
You have surely been blessed by our Almighty!
The most beautiful words
That have ever been heard
Given to you by our dearest Lord
What can I say but: wow! What a blessing!
I've been meaning to call you but
Thought I didn't know you
I was embarrassed to 
Make my introductions
When I finally had the courage
It was too late as you've moved
Now I must chase you up...
With all my energy!
When David said to call
I didn't and now I am upset with myself
As you have moved to Glossop!
I know it's not far away and 
As I'll be soon  heading that way
I'l have to call in for coffee!

Please listen to me
This book is a key 
To heaven!
So precious and new
A delight to review
Please read it and 
Be rewarded!

One Hundred Days
By Verity Kew

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