Thursday, 14 March 2013


Shelley learned music at school
She loved to entertain us!
She showed such promise
When she was in Year 12
At Nuriootpa High School 
In the beautiful Barossa Valley
She really did surprise us!
She told me not to stress
As she would not be getting much
In the way of awards and prizes!
But on that fateful day
I was brought to tears: I must say!
Of pride; wonder and amazement!
Shelley sang a song for us all
The auditorium was full
Of students, teachers and parents!
Later on she was called on stage
To accept a prize for her music
She was also among the group of six
To be chosen for a scholarship!
Finally as time went by
It was time to announce the winner
Of the Principal's Award
They introduced her
As the same person who had 
Regaled us earlier that day with her music!
My tears just started to flow and
I could not stop them! 
My dear daughter was the recipient
Of the final award and I was overwhelmed!
Everyone just went "aww!" when 
She hugged Mr Leverence on stage and 
As the Year twelve's paraded
She even hugged all her teachers!
Dear Lord thank you for my precious daughter!

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