Monday, 11 March 2013

Spanish dancer

My first ever tapestry was
Of a German Shepherd dog
I did it in memory of our boy
Kaiser was his name
He was like our first born son
Everybody loved him
He was such a great dog
He was precious to our family
As he was a pleasure to own
My next effort was of 
A Spanish dancer
With her beautiful red skirt
I enjoyed making it but 
I was more happy to pass it on
To my dearest Grandma and Grandpa
Far, far away in Hungary!
I wanted to give my grandma 
Something I had made myself
So this is what I sent her 
All those years ago!
(She had sent me so many beautiful things!)
My dearest grandpa was so happy
To frame my gift 
With his own hands he did that job
He was a carpenter by trade
So that frame was easily made
My mum and dad visited
A few years later on and 
My mum told me of 
Its pride of place upon that wall
Where Grandma and Grandpa
Could look at it when they wanted to!
To remember their grand-daughter
So far away; here in Australia!

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