Monday 19 January 2015

Eighty years

Dad goes to bed early
He gets up early too
He never wants or needs
To stay up late
Unless there’s something good to do
He loves playing card games
Doing puzzles he loves best
But come 10 pm he’s cranky
So it’s off to bed to rest
The house was full this January
Every bed was being used
For the whole family gathered
Yes everyone was visiting you see
On Sunday it was dad’s birthday
He was 80 years young
We gathered all together
His precious life to celebrate
All the great grandchildren
Were gathered there that day
To say “we love you grandpa”
Please stay with us for life
‘Cause we love you dearly
We love you oh so much!
We’ll miss you when you’re gone

So get together today
Don’t waste any more time
You never know when God
Will call your loved ones home
You never know when it will come
That dreaded day when life is gone
And Jesus comes to take you home!

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