Wednesday 7 January 2015

Peace beneath the sea

Went swimming yesterday
Looking for a cool place
Searching for peace, serenity
Underneath the water 's surface
There I found what I needed
Underneath that cool reflective sea
The sun was hot and stifling
The waves were calling out to me
The rocks were beckoning
Come over here: seaweed waving
Green polyps: spidery tendrils a-sway
Yellow Sea grasses over the sandy bottom
Some rocks like an artist's palette
Pink swirls mixed with creamy white
Black seaweed clad boulders
All covered with growing weeds
A few little fish were swimming
A couple of baby stingrays hiding
It was so quiet beneath the surface
No outer sounds to interrupt me
I found my peace below the water
There I was surrounded by that peace
That cool and refreshing serenity
I didn't want to leave that beauty
I wanted to remain floating there
At peace within the cooling boundaries
My flippers and snorkel my lifelines
My air filled lungs for buoyancy

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